Did you know
that the average American sees anywhere from 4,000 to 10,000 ads per day? Yes, you read that number correctly! While the number may seem shocking at first, there’s no denying that more than ever before we are being hit from every angle possible from brands or individuals trying to sell us (or tell us) something.
Additionally, it’s not just brands taking advantage of the intricate ad options online. Social media personalities are relying on ads more than ever to grow their platforms. You may have noticed in the past year that the algorithm on most of our favorite social media apps has (unfortunately) pivoted to favoring those who spend money on their ads. This means that the days of using hashtags to expand your reach are, well, sadly a thing of the past.
Long story short, in order to stand out from the competition online, you’ve got to spend money on ads and make sure that they look good!

There are plenty of different kinds of ads and ways to target your customers, but one continues to dominate: video. In fact, Animoto reported that 93% of businesses acquire at least one new customer after sharing video to social media. Furthermore, they reported that 57% of millennial consumers watch these videos on their mobile phone.
Do you see where we’re going with this? *wink wink*
That’s right — vertical video ads are king when it comes to reaching customers that will actual convert to sales. Outbrain has reported that by 2026, global video ad spend is set to reach over $295 billion and the majority (over $227 billion) will be spent on mobile video ads.
If you’re a business or brand reading this, you might be thinking to yourself, “vertical video ads usually take a ton of time and effort to create!”, but we’re here to let you in on a little secret…they don’t have to! Our library of aesthetic stock video is a secret weapon for brands that are hoping to create stunning, high-quality vertical video ads without spending a massive amount of money. Since launching, our community has used our content for so many different kinds of video ads and we just love to see it. Some of the platforms where our videos can be used include the following:
…and the list goes on! Whether you’re placing a simple call to action over a beautiful oceanscape video or using one of our floral videos as a green screen background, there are several ways to use our videos in your digital ads across various platforms. Do you need some ideas on how to keep up with the ever-growing ad industry using our Motion Packs? We’d love to hear from you! Send us an e-mail or a DM to see how you can use our library to make some substantial ROI from your online ads!